Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jay and Nick

Gatsby and Nick; what have they become ever since they met at one of Gatsby's infamous get-togethers? Two different lifestyles each of them live in this story, how could they become friends so quickly after one encounter? Their friendship is a shady one that can't be trusted not one bit because Gatsby is a person that is looking for something out of this friendship. He doesn't just want to become Nick's friend out of the blue since he barely interacts with the people he hangs with already. What I believe this friendship is going to end up becoming will be Nick realizing that the Gatsby is using him for something that Nick can get easy access to that the Gatsby may want or need in the future.

Gatsby is not someone that you would classify as a genuine person so you can never tell what his true intentions are in the relationship between the two. Like in chapter five, Gatsby wants Nick to invite Daisy overe so he can maybe re-connect with her and what they used to have going. This made an obvious point that this friendship may not be genuine and that Nick is only a puppet in Gatsby' scheme.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Winter Poem: Draft #1

Feelings circulating in my head,
Seems like it won't come to a halt anytime soon.
Counting down the hours
The minutes
The seconds
Until that day arrives.
Anxiety takes possession of every part in my body.
As the day dies
And the night arrives
My palms thicken with sweat.
Trying to rest my sleepy eyes
But something won't let me.
The sun begins to show it's joyous beam of light
Before you know it,
It's Christmas time.