Sunday, January 23, 2011

Letter From a Birmingham Jail

This blog is based on the notorious letter that came directly from the Birmingham jail on the day of April 16th, 1960 written by the famous Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The letter contains plenty of material that was going through his mind at the time that deals with his many concerns for the colored people around the nation that is receiving no justice what so ever. He begins to stress the fact that how justice is missing throughout the world at the time and is trying to find as many solutions as possible besides resulting into violence, which he believes will cause much more chaos then before. Martin Luther King Jr. was a very passionate man when he spoke about the justice that was not being served throughout the African American communities around the nation as well as the other minorities that live within the United States of America. Most of his emotions spilled into this one note that he inspired someone to reveal the note to the public of Birmingham and the whole world that Dr. King's patience is being tested with these conditions that is being brought upon the African American communities and how is starting to use direct action.

This note really had an affect on me as I'm pretty sure it did with many others that read this very powerful note explaining why he ended up in that disgusting jail cell and if they are trying to use that cell to stop him, that it will be just a waste of time. He will not stop pushing with his marches, sit-ins, all the organizations he is leader of, the speeches, etc. until there is a change amongst the colored people of the United States of America. This showed me how motivated he was to create an opportunity for the people of his own ethnicity and other minorities as well and how you can't let one road block clog up your lane of success. Dr. King didn't choose to give up once he ran into a very challenging obstacle; instead he tucked his head and kept moving along.  This note can touch many other people that would want to read it as well, because I know it showed me to never give up until you get what you asked for!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Is King Still King?

As the day is right around the corner that dedicates itself to celebrate a fine man's birthday, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The accomplishments this one man made for mankind is very remarkable to look back at what they are and how he sacrificed himself in order to bring the peace to the communities around the nation that he was fighting for so much. Since the nation realized how much impact his speeches, marches, and organizations they assigned his birthday as a national holiday to pay your dues to the man that stood for what he believed in by doing it the right way, non-violence. But the question that remains is if Dr. King still remains "King" in this new era of people that only knows of him through text books and movies?

From I see, and probably from what others see as well, not many people, mainly African Americans appreciate what all Dr. King devoted his life for and finally got it. If Dr. King were here today to witness all of the black on black crime that is happening and all the chaos that is occurring within the black neighborhoods amongst each other, he would be disgusted. But to be honest with you, he probably couldn't even change these problems between these neighborhoods full of minorities in them. They have became so immune to these actions and they believe violence and crime is the only way to survive since the world isn't offering them anything else. So I think that Dr. King wouldn't be King in this generation... money is the King now a days, since anybody does anything for it, and that is how it is.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

"To Be Young, Gifted, and Black"

The story that is revolved around a young girl growing up in the urban southside streets of Chicago called, "To Be Young, Gifted, and Black" relates to so many kids across the United States as you begin to read this story. The young girl name was Lorraine Hansberry and she was explaining her growing up within the black southside community and the feeling I, as a reader, received out of this writing was the vibe of a family sticking together. It seems as if what ever this family did, they were able to manage a way to do the same thing together. They had the unity, love, encouragement, everything to become a very close family and it seems as if that was the message they were trying to get across. The author would explain how on hot and steamy nights in the summer, the whole family would take trips out to the local parks and would sleep out there. How the elders that originated from down south would tell as many stories as they could to impress the little children as they continue to impress them with the various of tales they have for them. But also, how the mother would make sure she took care of her own four children while the father would be off somewhere handling business for the NAACP as she sat on the porch with a loaded rifle warning anybody that dares to try her. Family back in those times meant something valuable to people and they made sure that their own was protected and had everything they needed. It showed the unity that they all displayed and how they were able to maintain it throughout life.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

"Never Let Me Down"

This song is one of those rare songs that constantly that touches something within and makes you sit back and think about what is happening in your life. Once I first I heard this song I brushed it off since it didn't have a meaning to me at the time and didn't relate to me as much as it does now. This song that is sung by the very well-known two rap artists, Kanye West and Jay-z, strikes a chord deeper than somebody could ever imagine with the simple lyrics and loud beat that constantly that is pounding into my ear drums. But normally when I listen to a song, the lyrics stop at my eardrums and don't really go much deeper than that. The chorus that is sung by a choir and woman lead singer replays within my head over and over as they cry, "When it comes to being truly true to me, one thing I found, is that you will NEVER let me down". As I take in this song I think about my cousin that was taken from me through gun violence and my grandfather how they were always there for me when ever I needed them. They answered when ever I called, when ever I would struggle, I could count on these two people to be there when I needed them. So the only thing they asked from me was to make it to the NBA, and I feel like I owe them something. But this also applies to my whole family; they would love to see me in the league and I feel as if that's how I can repay them with the help they protection they gave me. So when ever I hear this... I feel as if I have to give my best to anything I do since my family is counting on me.