Monday, February 21, 2011

Propaganda is Amongst Us!

Propaganda has been a very common topic dealing with the United States within the past since this country has dealt with plenty of issues that influenced propaganda to take over. It's sad to say that plenty of people may have to encounter that action of propaganda when someone may have spread something about a certain group to ruin their image and what not. A big piece in history that has been apart of propaganda within the United States has been racism. Racism falls into the category of propaganda since the oppressor which in this case would be the white man would have negative thoughts about the minorities, the oppressed, or in this case the black people. They would do whatever they could to get the message out that black people weren't good for the communities and they have no business being on the same soil as these white folk. For example, within the book "Black Boy" they have a young black kid named Richard who was just trying to make some extra change by selling the papers to the neighborhood he was assigned to. He didn't know what he was selling until one day a man stopped him and asked him why was he selling that crap in the neighborhood? The reason the man wanted to know was because the papers Richard was selling was published by the notorious racial group called the KKK and was of course talking bad upon the black community saying how they all should be wiped out off the face of this earth. Things like this shows a great deal of propaganda which is sad to say still may exist amongst people today. We just as people have to be strong and stand up to these hateful rumors that may spread do to extreme ignorance in this world.

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