Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sinners of an Angry God

Sin; something that is easy to come across now a days in the world that we live in. To sin is something that people would mainly believe that is judged by god, nobody else. But when the Puritans begin to take this act of sin and begin to get extreme with the consequences if you were to sin. They begin to talk about how you will never be able to reach the big, white, pearly gates of heaven if you were to cause one simple sin in your life. There is no forgiveness, no second chances, no regret, just a harsh penalty for something that can be so small as to saying something they don't like. The Puritans want you to feel a sense that is scaring to most people back in that era, even today. They make it sound like that you must be perfect in order to reach the luxury of being in heaven when you leave your life. This theory just doesn't sound right at all!!!

Puritans are completely blinded by their beliefs and having what I believe is the wrong conception of God and how he works. Yes, I do believe that God may punish those who sin in their life time but he was never the one to hold a grudge. God is a loving, caring god that loves all his creations... sometimes he shows certain creations tough love. But I don't believe god would exclude you from correcting your mistakes in life and moving on. The devil has put obstacles in your way from you to succeed in life and making it to where you would want to go ultimately. Heaven. But, god is there to guide you around these obstacles, and if you stumble at one he will help you back up, not leave you in the dark. For as long as I have known god in my lifetime I know that he has always been with me through the toughest times in my life and showed me the way out. Yes, I have sinned in my life, as well as many other living today. But he didn't take my life, or any other cruel punishment. He has stuck with me and have gotten me closer to the finish line, where my trophy is to reside in the beautiful house of god. So I must say that this religion is too much extreme and looks at god in the wrong way. God does realize that you may struggle with things at times and you have sinned. But he still looks at you as one of his children...


1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting take Paul. You describe God in a way that makes it seem like a parent, not some overbearing supernatural being and I like it. If you have studied Catholiscism in World Studies/history, you know how pressing they were prior to the Puritan church appearing. Do you think this had an influence on their belief?
