Sunday, November 7, 2010

Modern Slavery

In today's age, many people think that slavery is a ghost of the terrifying past we are terrified to relive. Once most people hear the word "slavery" they begin to take a look back around the 16, 1700s as the Europeans took full advantage of their power, shipping African American slaves all around the world. The tools to this scheme was based off trickery and people that had cold-hearts and did everything they could to get the job done. But luckily, that type of slavery came to an end that has been going on for about 400 years of tears, beatings, and deaths from the treatment the slave master would give out to the slaves.

Even though this form of slavery was being cut of in the U.S.A. doesn't mean that everybody around the world follows their lead and begin to make slavery extinct to the public eye. Some countries refused to let go of their slaves and some didn't even mention the idea of ending slavery. The main reason why most governments didn't want to put an end to slavery was because they were making such of a profit off it that they somewhat became rich off their slaves. All the product that the slaves would produce for their owners and the profit the owners would get from maybe selling the crops, cotton, etc. The owners would get so much profit out of things because they didn't have to pay the slaves a nickel for all their hard work and labor they put in for the owner to be so successful. That's the reason why places like India, China, etc. made sure that after the U.S. ended slavery that they kept the slavery business alive.

Even though slavery is somewhat a distant thought in many minds today, some don't realize that slavery is still alive in many places. Some may disagree with me, but hey, that's why this a blog and you can comment on this. But the slavery today is molded into different forms then back in the times with Harriet Tubman, Fredrick Douglas, and many more. The slavery around the world is mainly focused around child labor working for big time companies such as Nike and some other huge name brands. The reason why this type of slavery is still alive is because of the same principles they had back then, more profit! These sweatshops are full with many little kids working non-stop without a beam of sun or fresh air to hit their face. It's a shame that companies take advantage of this opportunity to put these kids in that position to not have a chance to be a real kid and have fun with their friends. They also have masters and guards as well just like the old days with guns staring down at them so they don't make a run for it. Most people try to ignore it or just ignorant to the situation, but this needs to be brought to the light and solved the best way it can. No way that a kid should be handling heavy machinery instead of an action figure or some type of ball to play with. This needs to stop instantly!

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